Parent Letter

Dear  Parents,

I want to warmly welcome you to our kindergarten classroom. I am looking forward to a year of creativity, learning, and connection. I hope your child is as excited as I am about the upcoming school year! 

This is an exciting time for you and your student. This is the beginning of their journey into becoming a life-long learner. During the year, your child will become an early reader and writer, learn various science and social studies topics, and build fundamental math skills. Aside from academic skills, we will be fostering important social skills like how to work in groups, treat each other with respect, and care for our school community.

Our main source of communication will be a plastic two-pocket folder. This will carry notes and completed work back and forth between school and home. Place any notes you have for the office or me inside the folder. Please check and empty out your child’s folder every day. I am also available to email at 

You can find our supply list on our kindergarten blog: This is also where you can find information about our schedule, school calendar, lunch and snack guidelines, and any upcoming events.

Finally, I hope you're able to attend our Kindergarten open house. This is an important and fun afternoon where I will get to meet you and your child and have time to go over the specifics of our day. Additionally, it will help the students feel comfortable in our classroom!

I look forward to meeting and working with you this year. I know that by working together we will make this a great year for your child. 


Heather Jones


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