WAP: Assistive Technology
I recently got a job as a kindergarten paraprofessional in Salem. We have thee students in the class who the teacher classifies as “high needs.” Because it’s only November referrals are only just now being made for testing and IEPs and 504s. However, I’d like to focus on one student we have and the ways we support him throughout the day, and how I might support a similar student in my future classroom. Derek (not his real name) seems to have had trauma in his background. I don’t know the specifics, but have heard that his family has some challenges. While I don’t know the specifics of what has happened (or is happening) in his life, it’s clear that he is dealing with complex trauma and is bringing it into the classroom. Children who suffer from complex trauma have many challenges. It can cause “social, psychological, cognitive, and biological issues, including difficulty regulating their emotions, paying attention, and forming good relationships—all of which make it very diff...
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